Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday Travelogue

As I'll be headed up to Gettysburg with the LTSS Fighting Doves to compete for the flag football crown in the annual Luther Bowl, I won't be posting for a few days. However, here's a map of the previous week's itinerary through the blogosphere for your reading pleasure.

Ezra Klein's helpful comments on blogging led me to re-engage my own web writing practice. I got down to business as I introduced the good news of philospher Stanley Cavell via a portrait of him in the Chronicle Review, and in light of his concept of acknowledgment read comments by a Catholic theologian on multiculturalism as a challenge to the easy "diversity" of the ELCA. I also presented a hopeful view of the church and a charitable view of bohemian-hipster Christianity by Ben McNutt, while also meditating on reconciliation via a recommendation of the music of the band Storyhill and a reflection on a recent pastoral experience in the South.

Turning to theology, I offered an introduction to Finnish re-visioning of Martin Luther's concept of justification in terms of union with Christ in anticipation of lectures by Finnish scholars at LTSS. I then offered pirated advice on vocational discernment from Nate Lee to remind me why I should not get sucked back into graduate school by the incredibly fascinating lectures the Finns would offer on the theology of the gift, and on which I would report, bringing the week to a close.

Go Doves!

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