Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"I also like St. Ath-a-nas-i-us..."

The papers are starting to drop like dominos, but respite time is being strictly rationed for supportive wife and sick-with-a-cough daughter, so alas, poor blog, you continue to remain un-prioritized and un-updated. Here's a treat for your patience, which Herr McNutt has so graciously brought to my attention (that's a real person, btw, not another imaginary cartoon squirrel-like creature I've concocted as part of a weird sleep-deprived hallucination that finds me conversing with empty blog space...). A fairly accurate depiction of the kinds of things one can hear in the hallowed halls of Duke Div - which, to quote the aforementioned pseudo-cartoon squirrel, is "supposed to be funny. but it depresses me." Even so, its an excuse to talk to my precious...ok, seriously, just pray for me as the paper trail of tears continues - I evidently need it, blog - and enjoy:

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