Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm on a Block (Awesome...(God)...)

As part of Abby's first (sentient) Advent, we asked her family and friends to make her a little card or symbol relating to the meaning of the season to be opened each day leading up to Christmas. The items are stuffed inside little numbered bags that Leah hand-made, and are hung from nails on a branch (my contribution to the endeavor). Tonight's bag contained a very thoughtful note from Abby's godmother (my sister), along with the suggestion to dance to the youtube video of Hillsong Kids' "I Am Not Forgotten," which was actually pretty dope. Well, we decided to keep parousing the various samplings of childrens' worship music on the market, and came across this. The visuals speak for themselves:

Cool track, but its missing something...mmm - T-Pain!

Somehow, I'm thinking this is not what Rich Mullins had envisioned when he wrote the song - unless he had accidentally mistaken peyote for a conventional supplement to his evening cooking...still, Abby seemed to deeply cherish this, so she thought I should share it. Enjoy what might have been had Rastafarianism, and not Nicene Christianity, prevailed as Christian orthodoxy.

(In the Spirit of offering alternatives, I propose putting the dude from the video on the ark with T-Pain and Noah (played by Andy Sandberg) and calling it "I'm on a Boat (Awesome God Remix)"...).

1 comment:

  1. i mean, i have a feeling this is just what JPII was calling for when he urged sacred musicians to consider theological aesthetics that would draw people into the mystery. Yeah, it was definitely a little yellow guy in a maze. hah. this is great, thanks for making me laugh in the midst of the dry and barren land of finals! Love and hugs to the whole Nickoloff family!
